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Salud Sexual, Cuerpo Sano, ...... Sexual Health, Healthy Body...

Foto del escritor: Fundación INDERAFundación INDERA

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Salud Sexual, Cuerpo Sano, Relaciones Saludables es un enfoque multidimensional de la educación sexual en el contexto más amplio del sistema educativo.

Se basa en la experiencia que sólo puede haber un enfoque que tenga en cuenta todo el bienestar de la juventud, desarrollando una conciencia corporal mediante el 'amor propio' y el ‘auto-cuidado’ o el ‘cuidado del ser’. Un enfoque que se centra en el cuerpo íntegro y cómo nos relacionamos con él, construyendo primero una relación amorosa y de cuidado con nosotros/as mismo/as y desde ahí hacia lo/as demás.

Este programa tiene como objetivo ofrecer una educación de Salud Sexual, Cuerpo Sano, Relaciones Saludable que prepare y apoye a las y los jóvenes para construir amor y respeto en sus propios cuerpos, y tener un marcador en su cuerpo como base argumentativa de lo que viven y sienten para afrontar toda la ‘educación’ que viene en seguida a través de la socialización con los medios de comunicación, el Internet y de la sociedad hiper-sexualizada en general.

La presión sobre los niños y hombres de comportarse según determinados estereotipos masculinos está teniendo un impacto evidente: la depresión, la violencia normalizada, la agresión y el suicidio están aumentado de manera exponencial. Identificando el ‘auto-cuidado’ o el ‘cuidado del ser’ como una categoría esencial para la creación de valores, los niños, hombres jóvenes y adultos están aprendiendo a reconocer su sensibilidad y el gran potencial que subyace a la construcción de una vida basada en el ‘amor propio’.

Las niñas y mujeres que desde su nacimiento están sometidas a la imagen sexualizada del cuerpo femenino, viven – con la constante presión de cumplir y complacer y auto-determinarse como objeto, desde una edad temprana relaciones abusivas consigo mismas y con los demás. A través del ‘auto cuidado’ o del ‘cuidado del ser’ aprenden a establecer una relación amorosa y de cuidado con sus propios cuerpos y, a partir de ahí, construir de forma autónoma su vida como mujer, empoderándose en su valor propio y no depender ni de la aprobación de otros, ni de la adecuación a una imagen corporal predeterminada.

La educación en Salud Sexual, Cuerpo Sano, Relaciones Saludables comienza en la educación pre-escolar y se desarrolla constantemente durante la escuela primaria y secundaria, ajustándose a la edad ofreciendo un aprendizaje dirigido a quererse a si mismo/a en un mundo que nos enseña a tener relaciones abusivas con nosotros/as mismo/as y nuestro cuerpo, y a través de esa relación establecer una relación amorosa y cuidadora o abusiva con nuestras formas de comer, practicar deporte, pasar el tiempo libre, relacionarnos con el grupo de compañeros, amigos, maestros, etc.


Sexual Health, Healthy Body, Healthy Relationships

SHHBHR is a multidimensional approach to sex education within the bigger context of the education system and from the understanding that there can only be an approach that takes into account the whole well-being of the young, developing body awareness through self-care.

This program offers Sexual Health, Healthy Body, Healthy Relationship Education that prepares and supports the young to build love and respect in their bodies and with this have a foundation that encounters all the education that comes thereafter via the media, Internet and the generally hyper-sexualized societies.

In 2012, the Indera Foundation started the Youth Programme Equilibrium responding to a call for original proposals to deal with series of entrenched problems and dynamics, which were a hurdle for carrying out daily activities in schools in Catalonia, Spain.

We worked on topics such as bullying and cyberbullying, gender based violence, sexual violence, discrimination, body image, the impact of the mass media and advertising on young people’s life, Social Media as a communication means to evolve or to abuse between others. In every activity sex and sexuality was a main concern and much was needed to talk about to inform, share and present. However, although much awareness was raised and lots of topics learned there seemed to be no real embodiment of what was learned. The normalization of violence and abuse had taken their toll and the young were able to repeat and recall what they learned, but they were not able to live it.

Again we realized, the level of disconnection and numbness was so high that they did not have a marker in their body that would let them feel the abuse and violence they had accepted as their normal, being it self-applied or through others. Off course there were many young people being very aware of what is going on in youth culture today, but they kind of submit to the fact that this is how life goes and that you can try to stay away from it, but that you cannot really do anything about it.

We strongly saw the need for a whole school program that involves many topics, being one of it the need for a comprehensive sexuality education, that does not focus mainly on the physicality and sexuality as function, but on building connection and relationships and support them to develop a quality in their bodies that serves as a marker for true well-being.

The pressure to perform for men is having its impact showing that depression, normalized violence, aggression and suicide is through the roof and by identifying ‘self-care’ as an essential category of value-creation boys, young men and men generally are learning to recognize their sensitivity and the great potential that lies in a ‘self-loving’ life.

Women growing up under the pressure of sexualised body imagery, objectifying ways of behaving and a constant pressure to perform and please and living from a young age in abusive relationships with themselves and others are offered the possibilities to build a loving relationship with their bodies and from there to live the true women they are and building a life of their own, based on a feeling of self-worth that does not depend on outer approval and a predetermined body image.

Sexual Health, Healthy Body, Healthy Relationships is a multidimensional approach to sex education within the bigger context of the education system and from the understanding that there can only be an approach that takes into account the whole well-being of the young, developing body awareness through self-care. It is about the whole body and how we relate to our body, building first of all a loving relationship with ourselves and from there with others.

Sexual Health, Healthy Body, Healthy Relationships Education starts in Kindergarten and consistently develops into primary and secondary school always adjusting to an age-related learning to self-love in a world that teaches us to have abusive relationships with ourselves and our bodies and through this with anything else, such as food, exercise, entertainment, the peer group, teachers, etc.

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