Inglés Español Catalán

Project AWARE- Youth empowerment for recognition and informed reacting to different forms of violence in intimate partner relationships, addresses violence in intimate partner relationships between young people of different sexual orientations. It aims to inform youth about the meaning, working and overcoming gender-based stereotypes and gender roles that young people often unconsciously use as a tool to rationalize violent behaviour.

Everything in life is about relationships. So how do you find someone who really loves you back, and who cares and respects you? And how can you be True2You when sometimes there are so many expectations of yourself and others that it makes it hard to just be yourself? And what about being single by choice? And what about Love? What if love is simple and fun, and starts with taking care of ourselves?
Overview and analysis of the situation of intimate partner violence between young people in Slovenia and Spain
Edition 3 is all about sex & making love, pleasure and busting myths around dating and masturbation.
Edition 2 is all about Love, Relationships & Dating

This Guidebook was developed by the organisations participating in the REC project “I can choose to say no. Empowering youth, especially girls, to stand up against cyber sexual and gender-based violence in intimate partner relationships, 2019 - 2021“

This Guidebook was developed by the organisations participating in the REC project “I can choose to say no. Empowering youth, especially girls, to stand up against cyber sexual and gender-based violence in intimate partner relationships, 2019 - 2021“

This Manual has been written and produced by the organizations participating in the REC project “I can choose to say no. - Empowering youth, especially girls, to stand up against cyber sexual and gender-based violence in intimate partner relationships, 2019 - 2021“
Cyber sexual and gender-based violence. A guidebook for teachers.
Teacher's guidebook appendix for the REC project "I can choose to say no".
Facilitator guidelines and workshops to raise awareness among youngsters and contribute to ending cyber sexual and gender-based violence in relationships.

This magazine has been written and produced by the organizations participating in the REC project “I can choose to say no. Empowering youth, especially girls, to stand up against cyber sexual and gender-based violence in intimate partner relationships, 2019 - 2021“

This research, carried out in different educational centres in Barcelona, seeks to shed light on the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that young people have towards cyber sexual and gender-based violence in teenage relationships.
This report is based on a survey implemented within the project
“I can choose to say no".

This research focuses on discovering the beliefs, attitudes and perceived gender stereotypes of Catalan teachers towards sexual and gender-based violence, both in the physical and virtual world, as well as the incidence of this phenomenon among their students and their strategies and needs for prevention and support.
This report is based on a survey implemented within the project
“I can choose to say no".
It offers young girls and boys an opportunity to learn about their own limits and say NO to abuse and violence.
Attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of young people towards cyber sexual and gender-based violence.
Teachers awareness of cyber sexual and gender-based violence in youth partner relationships.

This report gathers the most relevant results of the national researches carried out in each of the project's partner countries (Serbia, Hungary, Croatia and Spain) with regard to the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of young people towards cyber sexual and gender-based violence in teenage relationships.
This report is based on surveys implemented within the project
“I can choose to say no".

This report gathers the most relevant results regarding the national researches carried out in each of the project's partner countries (Serbia, Hungary, Croatia and Spain) with regard to the beliefs, attitudes and gender stereotypes that teachers have towards sexual and gender-based violence, both in the physical and virtual world, as well as the incidence of this phenomenon among their students and their strategies and needs to prevent and support it.

This publication is a product made by the INDERA Foundation in the context of the project ‘Oral Culture – Bridge between the Past and the Future;’ an EU funded Grundtvig learning partnership of the following organisations: NEVKAM (Turkey), INDERA (Spain), Pro-Kompetenz (Germany) and Peripherie (Austria).
These lines indicate clearly that underlying the foundation of the European project there is a stream of concurring commonalities from which we can understand each other (beyond and above everything and anything that may divide us).
Insights into young people's views on cyber sexual and gender-based violence from Serbia, Hungary, Croatia, Spain.
Insights into teacher's awareness from Serbia, Hungary, Croatia and Spain on cyber sexual and gender-based violence in young people's relationships.
Bridge between the past and the future.

The general objective of this manual is to present a global positive experience in the framework of political training with a gender perspective for young women in order to improve and expand their skills and knowledge and provide them with tools that favor their personal and collective empowerment and institutional, for their incorporation into decision-making processes in the local political sphere and to live a more active citizenship.